The Light Project

Welcome to The Light Project. This project aims to support adults with additional needs to design and hand make a bespoke lampshade; a fun therapeutic activity which promotes fine motor skills, supports cognitive skills and develops self-confidence.

The Light Project operates as a social enterprise run by Cheeky Pickle in conjunction with members of Always Bee You CIC. The proceeds from the sale of each lampshade is used for social activities for the members to enjoy.

Always Bee You provides a service to adults with learning disabilities to combat isolation and loneliness, to provide good quality person-centred activities in the evenings, to introduce new skills, promote a healthy lifestyle and provide training for work opportunities. 

My aim in running The Light Project is:

  1. As a qualified Occupational Therapist, to blend my two passions for craft and therapy, to support others to feel a sense of achievement and develop skills 
  2. To raise funds for much-needed smaller local charities
  3. To promote the concept of ability rather than disability

Click here to view the current lampshade collection made by members of Always Bee You and to support this project.